Tech Mahindra Share Price Target 2024, 2025, 2026 to 2030 and More Information

Hello friends, Do you want to know the future value of Tech Mahindra share price target? So you have come to the right page. The share price of Tech Mahindra on NSE as of 6 August 2024 is 1,481.70. On this page, you will find Tech Mahindra Share Price Target 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027 to 2030 as well as Tech Mahindra share News, Tech Mahindra share buy or sell, Tech Mahindra share price target tomorrow, Tech Mahindra latest News today, Tech Mahindra share price target 2030, and more Information.

Tech Mahindra Ltd. Company Details

Tech Mahindra Ltd. is a global technology company based in India, part of the Mahindra Group. Specializing in IT services and solutions, Tech Mahindra offers a wide range of services including consulting, digital transformation, and outsourcing. With a strong focus on innovation, they cater to various industries such as telecommunications, banking, and healthcare. Known for its customer-centric approach and technological expertise, Tech Mahindra strives to deliver value-driven solutions to businesses worldwide.

Official Website
Founded 24 October 1986; (37 years ago)
Founder Anand Mahindra
Headquarters Pune, Maharashtra, India
MD & CEO Mohit Joshi
Number of employees 138,510 (March 2024)
Category Share Price

Tech Mahindra Share Price Target Tomorrow

2024 (Expected)

  • Low Estimate: ₹1,450
  • High Estimate: ₹1,550
  • Average Estimate: ₹1,500

2025 (Expected)

  • Low Estimate: ₹1,600
  • High Estimate: ₹1,750
  • Average Estimate: ₹1,675

Tech Mahindra Share price

Tech Mahindra Share Price Target 2024

Tech Mahindra Share Price Target 2024 (Months) Low Estimate High Estimate Average Estimate
August ₹1,484 ₹1,550 ₹1,517
September ₹1,490 ₹1,560 ₹1,525
October ₹1,495 ₹1,570 ₹1,532
November ₹1,505 ₹1,580 ₹1,542
December ₹1,510 ₹1,590 ₹1,550

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Tech Mahindra Share Price Target 2025

Tech Mahindra Share Price Target 2025 expected target at the beginning could be ₹1,520, mid of the year could be ₹1,570, and the year-end target could be ₹1,630.

Tech Mahindra Share Price Target 2025 (Months) Low Estimate High Estimate Average Estimate
January ₹1,520 ₹1,610 ₹1,560
February ₹1,530 ₹1,620 ₹1,570
March ₹1,540 ₹1,630 ₹1,580
April ₹1,550 ₹1,640 ₹1,590
May ₹1,560 ₹1,650 ₹1,600
June ₹1,570 ₹1,660 ₹1,610
July ₹1,580 ₹1,670 ₹1,620
August ₹1,590 ₹1,680 ₹1,630
September ₹1,600 ₹1,690 ₹1,640
October ₹1,610 ₹1,700 ₹1,650
November ₹1,620 ₹1,710 ₹1,660
December ₹1,630 ₹1,720 ₹1,670

Tech Mahindra Share Price Target 2026

Tech Mahindra Share Price Target 2026 expected target at the beginning could be ₹1,640, mid of the year could be ₹1,690, and the year-end target could be ₹1,750.

Tech Mahindra Share Price Target 2026 (Months) Low Estimate High Estimate Average Estimate
January ₹1,640 ₹1,720 ₹1,680
February ₹1,650 ₹1,730 ₹1,690
March ₹1,660 ₹1,740 ₹1,700
April ₹1,670 ₹1,750 ₹1,710
May ₹1,680 ₹1,760 ₹1,720
June ₹1,690 ₹1,770 ₹1,730
July ₹1,700 ₹1,780 ₹1,740
August ₹1,710 ₹1,790 ₹1,750
September ₹1,720 ₹1,800 ₹1,760
October ₹1,730 ₹1,810 ₹1,770
November ₹1,740 ₹1,820 ₹1,780
December ₹1,750 ₹1,830 ₹1,790

Tech Mahindra Share Price Target 2027

Tech Mahindra Share Price Target 2027 expected target at the beginning could be ₹1,760, mid of the year could be ₹1,810, and the year-end target could be ₹1,870.

Tech Mahindra Share Price Target 2027 (Months) Low Estimate High Estimate Average Estimate
January ₹1,760 ₹1,840 ₹1,800
February ₹1,770 ₹1,850 ₹1,810
March ₹1,780 ₹1,860 ₹1,820
April ₹1,790 ₹1,870 ₹1,830
May ₹1,800 ₹1,880 ₹1,840
June ₹1,810 ₹1,890 ₹1,850
July ₹1,820 ₹1,900 ₹1,860
August ₹1,830 ₹1,910 ₹1,870
September ₹1,840 ₹1,920 ₹1,880
October ₹1,850 ₹1,930 ₹1,890
November ₹1,860 ₹1,940 ₹1,900
December ₹1,870 ₹1,950 ₹1,910

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Tech Mahindra Share Price Target 2028

Tech Mahindra Share Price Target 2028 expected target at the beginning could be ₹1,880, mid of the year could be ₹1,930, and the year-end target could be ₹1,990.

Tech Mahindra Share Price Target 2028 (Months) Low Estimate High Estimate Average Estimate
January ₹1,880 ₹1,960 ₹1,920
February ₹1,890 ₹1,970 ₹1,930
March ₹1,900 ₹1,980 ₹1,940
April ₹1,910 ₹1,990 ₹1,950
May ₹1,920 ₹2,000 ₹1,960
June ₹1,930 ₹2,010 ₹1,970
July ₹1,940 ₹2,020 ₹1,980
August ₹1,950 ₹2,030 ₹1,990
September ₹1,960 ₹2,040 ₹2,000
October ₹1,970 ₹2,050 ₹2,010
November ₹1,980 ₹2,060 ₹2,020
December ₹1,990 ₹2,070 ₹2,030

Tech Mahindra Share Price Target 2029

Tech Mahindra Share Price Target 2029 expected target at the beginning could be ₹2,000, mid of the year could be ₹2,050, and the year-end target could be ₹2,110.

Tech Mahindra Share Price Target 2029 (Months) Low Estimate High Estimate Average Estimate
January ₹2,000 ₹2,080 ₹2,040
February ₹2,010 ₹2,090 ₹2,050
March ₹2,020 ₹2,100 ₹2,060
April ₹2,030 ₹2,110 ₹2,070
May ₹2,040 ₹2,120 ₹2,080
June ₹2,050 ₹2,130 ₹2,090
July ₹2,060 ₹2,140 ₹2,100
August ₹2,070 ₹2,150 ₹2,110
September ₹2,080 ₹2,160 ₹2,120
October ₹2,000 ₹2,170 ₹2,130
November ₹2,100 ₹2,180 ₹2,140
December ₹2,110 ₹2,190 ₹2,150

Tech Mahindra Share Price Target 2030

Tech Mahindra Share Price Target 2030 expected target at the beginning could be ₹2,120, mid of the year could be ₹2,170, and the year-end target could be ₹2,230.

Tech Mahindra Share Price Target 2030 (Months) Low Estimate High Estimate Average Estimate
January ₹2,120 ₹2,200 ₹2,160
February ₹2,130 ₹2,210 ₹2,170
March ₹2,140 ₹2,220 ₹2,180
April ₹2,150 ₹2,230 ₹2,190
May ₹2,160 ₹2,240 ₹2,200
June ₹2,170 ₹2,250 ₹2,210
July ₹2,180 ₹2,260 ₹2,220
August ₹2,190 ₹2,270 ₹2,230
September ₹2,200 ₹2,280 ₹2,240
October ₹2,210 ₹2,290 ₹2,250
November ₹2,220 ₹2,300 ₹2,260
December ₹2,230 ₹2,310 ₹2,270

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Tech Mahindra Ltd. Financials

Market Capitalization value 123330 crores
Enterprise Value 106138.14 crores
Book Value 254.79 crores
Total Share Capital 487.10 crores
Long Term Provisions 609 crores
Short Term Provisions 350.90 crores
Long Term Investments 10822.60 crores
Short Term Investments 2942.70 crores
Total Inventories 1203.80 crores
Trade Payables 4107.20 crores
Trade Receivables 10351.60 crores
Total Assets 36035.20 crores
Total Contingent liabilities 10596.70 crores
Total Revenue 43785.60 crores
Total Expenses 38881.50 crores
Equity Share Dividend 4670.50 crores
EPS 38.69
ROE 15.21 percent
ROCE 19.23 percent
Return on Assets 10.48 percent
Dividend Payout ratio 123.63 percent
Earnings yield ratio 0.04 percent
Debt to Equity ratio 0.48 percent
Price-to-earnings ratio 43.79 percent
Earnings retention ratio 11.76 percent

Tech Mahindra Ltd Shareholding Pattern

Shareholders Share Percentage
Promoters 35.11 percent
Foreign Institutions 24.48 percent
Other Domestic Institution 14.78 percent
Mutual Funds 14.24 percent
Retail and others 11.30 percent

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